
Based on the popular comic strip by Harold Gray called “Little Orphan Annie”, the musical revolves around a street-smart orphan girl named Annie who, along the way, found herself in the mansion of billionaire Oliver Warbucks. With a few misadventures here and there involving a dog named Sandy, an alcoholic woman who runs the orphanage named Miss Hannigan, and other comical characters who meddle in between—the musical is a heartwarming production that is well-known and loved by the public, having won several awards including Tony Awards for Best Musical, Best Original Score, and Best Book of a Musical.

Penelop Ong
Production Director

Vincent Paul Diez Gaton
Dance Director

Dennis Gregory Sugarol
Music Director

Performance Details
Venue: SM Seaside City Cebu Cinema
Date: October 17-18, 2020

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Copyright © 2019 Vaudeville Theatre Company